What is next-forge and how do I get started?
next-forge is a production-grade Turborepo template for Next.js apps. It is designed to be a comprehensive starting point for new apps, providing a solid, opinionated foundation with a minimal amount of configuration.
It is a culmination of my experience building web apps over the last decade and is designed to help you build your new SaaS app as thoroughly as possible, balancing speed and quality.
We have a demo version of next-forge that you can use to get a feel for the project!
Here are the URLs:
Quick Start
Get your development environment ready for next-forge.
Create a new next-forge project.
Let’s build something awesome together!
We welcome contributions from the community! Please see the contributing guide for more information. You can also check out these links to join the conversation.
Report bugs or ask for enhancements.
Pull Requests
Submit your own improvements.
Discuss the future of next-forge.