next-forge support for Auth.js is currently blocked by this issue.

Here’s how to switch from Clerk to Auth.js.

1. Replace the dependencies

Uninstall the existing Clerk dependencies from the auth package…

pnpm remove @clerk/nextjs @clerk/themes @clerk/types --filter @repo/auth

… and install the Auth.js dependencies.

pnpm add next-auth@beta --filter @repo/auth

2. Generate an Auth.js secret

Auth.js requires a random value secret, used by the library to encrypt tokens and email verification hashes. In each of the relevant app directories, generate a secret with the following command:

cd apps/app && npx auth secret && cd -
cd apps/web && npx auth secret && cd -
cd apps/api && npx auth secret && cd -

This will automatically add an AUTH_SECRET environment variable to the .env.local file in each directory.

3. Replace the relevant files

Delete the existing client.ts and server.ts files in the auth package. Then, create the following file:

import NextAuth from "next-auth";
export const { handlers, signIn, signOut, auth } = NextAuth({
  providers: [],

4. Update the middleware

Update the middleware.ts file in the auth package with the following content:

import 'server-only';

export { auth as authMiddleware } from './';

5. Update the auth components

Auth.js has no concept of “sign up”, so we’ll use the signIn function to sign up users. Update both the sign-in.tsx and sign-up.tsx components in the auth package with the same content:

import { signIn } from '../';

export const SignIn = () => (
    action={async () => {
      "use server";
      await signIn();
    <button type="submit">Sign in</button>

6. Update the Provider file

Auth.js has no concept of a Provider as a higher-order component, so you can either remove it entirely or just replace it with a stub, like so:

import type { ReactNode } from 'react';

type AuthProviderProps = {
  children: ReactNode;

export const AuthProvider = ({ children }: AuthProviderProps) => children;

7. Create an auth route handler

In your app application, create an auth route handler file with the following content:

import { handlers } from "@repo/auth"

export const { GET, POST } = handlers;

8. Update your apps

From here, you’ll need to replace any remaining Clerk implementations in your apps with Auth.js references. This means swapping out references like:

const { orgId } = await auth();
const { redirectToSignIn } = await auth();
const user = await currentUser();

Etcetera. Keep in mind that you’ll need to build your own “organization” logic as Auth.js doesn’t have a concept of organizations.