Co-authored by
Hayden Bleaselnext-forge
Steven TeyDub

While next-forge does not come with link tracking and analytics out of the box, you can easily add it to your app with Dub.


Dub is an open-source link tracking and analytics platform that allows you to track the performance of your links and see how they’re performing. It comes with a suite of features that make it a great choice for marketing teams, including link shortening, custom domains, branded QR codes, and more.

Signing up

You can sign up for a Dub account on their website.

Once you’ve signed up, you can create a link by clicking the “Create Link” button in the top right corner.

From here, simply replace all href values with the Dub link!

<a href="">Example</a>
<Link href="">Example</Link>

Interfacing programmatically

Dub provides a simple SDK for creating links, managing customers, tracking leads and more. You can install it with:

pnpm add dub

For more information on the SDK, you can refer to the official documentation.


Explore the SDK documentation